A Little Bit of Faith: God’s Word is True

“Know what God’s Word says and means…God’s truth stands firm like a great rock, and nothing can shake it…” (2 Timothy 2:15,19). God’s word is true. What does this mean? Why should we be concerned with the truth of God’s word? Well, it means that if you are ever in need or in doubt, you can depend on God’s holy word remaining the same. It won’t change! It’s the same today, tomorrow, and forever. That’s powerful. When all of your friends change their minds about their own truth, God’s word won’t. When you think that you know your husband or wife well and then they change all of a sudden, God’s word won’t. When your boss decides to suddenly change the agreement of your contract, God’s word will still be the same. It won’t change. You can depend on His word being the same today and always.
Nothing can shake the truth and power of God’s word. Nothing. Once you know what God’s word says and means, you are able to walk in the light. This means that you are walking in the light of God’s righteousness. You are able to determine when someone is misconstruing God’s word because you know it for yourself. But you’ve got to know the Word of God to be true. This means that you are spending time in the Word on a regular basis. This means that you are taking time to pray and to allow God to speak to your heart as well during prayer. This means that God’s word is so important to you that you think about His word during the day and keep it close to your heart and mind as well.
I’m not able to think of anything else that does not change. Whenever I thought I could depend on some external circumstance or situation, God
has always shown me that I’m depending on something that will not last a breath. It will not last a span of the wind blowing across the tall summer grass. He would show me that the thing I was depending on was fallible, it would change. It would not be dependable. I’ve had to trust His unchanging word. You can trust His unchanging word as well. Take a moment to sit in a quiet place and crack open the Word. Allow your eyes to fall upon its truth so that it can ignite a deeper meaning in your life. Take time to pray. You can only stand on His unchanging Word when
you begin to know the unchanging Word. Until you know the Word for yourself, you will always depend on someone else to feed you God’s word like a baby– in small portions. Grow up. Move from milk to meat. Don’t you deserve it?