A Little Bit of Faith: God Can Handle It

At some point in all our lives we have wanted to seek revenge against someone. If you haven’t then you’re special. However, for those of us who are normal, we have secretly wanted to get revenge on a friend, an enemy, a sibling, a relative and so on. It’s part of our fallen nature. Yet, in the book of Leviticus it says, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:18).
Wow, that’s a powerful scripture. It’s clearly telling us not to hold a grudge nor are we supposed to simply lie on someone. Okay. So now that many of us are rolling our eyes, I’m sure the next part of the scripture will knock most of us over. We are also supposed to care for and show a concern for our neighbors as we would do for ourselves. How many of us are still standing? Then the scripture ends by saying it’s a command from the Lord.
So evidently, God takes this seriously. Therefore, if He (God) takes it seriously, then we ought to take it seriously as well. When we lie on someone, it also draws our character as a person of God or a Christian into question. God wants us to walk a very tight rope or a clean path in our lives. How can we be like Christ if we are telling lies on people and constantly seeking revenge? We can’t. Therefore, as Christians, we should set the tone in our family, at our job, in our home for telling the truth and not holding anything against someone. Still, I know this is difficult to do. This is when you or a friend might say, “I’m only human.” As Christians, we are to look Christ. He is our example.
If someone has wronged us, don’t worry, God is going to work it out. He doesn’t need our help! We can rest in His love and compassion for us knowing that He sees our pain, our situation and He cares about what we are going through. Believe it or not, God will deal with that individual. We may never know how God handles the person who may have wronged us, but He will. If you will put your trust in Him, He’ll take care of it. All we must do is trust our heavenly Father. Amen? Amen.