A Little Bit of Faith: Confession

Colleen White
Colleen White

If there is something you think you are hiding from God, you’re wrong. God knows every little thing that is deep in your heart. He is the one who truly knows you like no other. Therefore, if there is a secret sin that God has been speaking to your heart about, then you need to confess it and turn away from it. In the book of Psalm it says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).

God can begin to create a clean heart in you and me the moment we realize that we need his forgiveness. Once we are able to accept that, then we can begin to move forward in acknowledging that we are sinners. God will freely forgive you and me of our sins, but we have to confess them to Him.

If God has been speaking to your heart about an unconfessed sin, knowing this, you need to confess it today. Don’t think that all your good works, your faithful giving, and your perfect attendance at church will give you a pass from facing sin God wants you to confess. You need to confess your sin today.

Only Christ is able to forgive us of our sins. Are you willing to come before the Father and confess
your hidden sins to Christ today? I know I am. Amen?
