A Little Bit of Faith: Colleen White, Ed.D Call out to God

Sometimes life hits all of us like a ton of bricks. When that happens, we question ourselves and we question God. We may wonder why calamity was allowed to disrupt our lives. Many of us tend to forget to turn toward God, instead we may walk away. However, in the book of 2 Chronicles it reminds us to turn quickly toward God and call out to Him. It says, “If calamity comes…we will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us” (2 Chronicles 20:9).
Look at the scripture carefully. It doesn’t say you might hear us when calamity comes, but you will hear us when calamity comes. What this tells us is that God is willing and waiting to hear from us and when we are in distress, He wants to respond to us. This is a father caring for His children. A good parent doesn’t turn away from a child in distress. No. A Good parent will turn toward the child and hear the child calling for them in distress and run to see what the child is in need of. This is the kind of father we have in our God!
When you are walking in your valley, God is with you. You must believe He hears your cries and He sees your pain and anguish. He’s not a God who does not care. He cares deeply for you and me. So, the next time you feel like you’re in it all alone, call out to God because “…in our distress…you (God) will hear us” (2 Chronicles 20:9). Amen? Amen.