A Little Bit of Faith: Christmas Angel


It was a very special Christmas oh so long ago

Witnessed by the Christmas Angel left here below

The little angel saw the glow coming from the manger

It was a feeling so surreal the angel had to come nearer

Peering into the small space where the lambs and sheep were as well

The Christmas Angel watched it and saw the sweet little child aglow

It was a special night so long ago in Bethlehem

The sheep watched and the lambs flocked to see the miracle too

It was a night that was filled with light and a story for all to know

Mary held her baby child and Joseph wept with delight

The angels sang and the stars danced in the heavens long ago

The Christmas Angel sat above and kept each thing in his heart

And when it was time, he went back home and told the story for all to know



(Christmas Prayers: Poetry for the Holidays by Colleen White available on Amazon)