A Little Bit of Faith: But God

By Colleen White
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,” (Joshua 1:9). Are you fearful of something in your life right now? All of us have fear at some point in our lives, but God would have us to remember Joshua 1:9. We are to be strong and courageous and not be fearful of anything because our heavenly Father is with us.
This can be difficult to believe. When you are in the middle of a battle or you’re gripped with fear, it is difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We want to depend totally on what we know or who we know. But when all that we know has failed us, the only person we have is God. This does not mean that we never have fear. What it does mean is that we do not have to allow our fear to define us. We are greater because God is with us.
Sometimes we have fear because we allow things in our lives to become our masters. Things such as our money, our status, our looks, our homes, our cars can all become masters in our lives. We believe that that these things make us who we are and we fight to try to keep them. If we think we are going to lose them, then we become terrified. All of this is fleeting. None of it really matters. Only God matters! He is the one who provides for us.
If you have lost sight of who God is and what He should be in your life, then you need to reevaluate your relationship with Christ. Somewhere along the way you may have allowed all these other things to become lord in your life. If you have, you need to correct this right away. Because if you lose everything, the only thing you would have left is God. When you know that God is on your side and He is your provider, then you will not allow fear to grip you. Then you will be able to say, “…but God…” (Psalm 73:26). Are you ready to depend on God and be courageous and not terrified? I know I am. Amen?