A Little Bit of Faith: Be a Family of Prayer

We often think on our homes as our sanctuaries. This is true, our homes should be a place where we find refuge and peace. However, our homes should also be a place of prayer. Our most important prayers do not have to be done in a church. They should also be done in our homes as well. It is important for Christian families to take the act of prayer seriously as a family. In the book of Joshua, it says “But for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).
Perhaps you have tried to gather your family together to pray and they have not wanted to. Well, that’s okay. You can still set the tone for your family and pray anyway. Pray in your living room or your kitchen at a certain time every day. Once you set the tone that this is what you do as a family, even if no one else joins you, your act of faithfulness will show your family that you take prayer seriously.
Prayer is the one thing that can be done anytime any place. And the one place it should be done often and consistently is in your home. Try having family prayer today. You never know, you might see your family become even closer because of it. What’s that old saying? A family that prays together stays together. You’ve got the message. Why not give it a try? Amen? Amen.