A Little Bit of Faith: : An Empty Tomb

Colleen White
Colleen White

“He is not here; for He has risen” (Matthew 28:6). We all know that Jesus defeated death because He is no longer in the tomb. His death and resurrection is what our faith is based upon. But if you are living a defeated life, if you have no hope, and you believe that your life has no purpose, then you are saying that Jesus’ death was for nothing.

It is easy for us to live in defeat. And when live in defeat, we are saying that perhaps Jesus is not able to help us live in victory. If that is the case, then we are also saying that Jesus is not able to take our sins away. We might as well nail Jesus back to the cross.

So, stop living in defeat and take Jesus off the cross. He died for all our sins. When you have faith in your Savior, you are able to have hope. In the book of Hebrews it says, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see,” (Hebrews 11:1).

When you have hope, all things are possible. You have to believe that God is able to bring it to pass. Therefore, kick defeat out the door, and usher in a new way of thinking that will put your mind on Jesus. Knowing that the God we serve is no longer in the tomb, allows us to live in victory.

Since the tomb is empty, we are justified, we are sanctified, and we are made whole in Him. Are you living a victorious life or a defeated life? Remember, the tomb is EMPTY!

Amen? Amen.