A Little Bit of Faith: A Valentine Gift Worth Receiving

February is the month for love. Those who are in love or want to be in love look forward to February. Cupid has aimed his arrow at the hearts of people who have their eye on the prize-love. But the greatest love of all is the love the Father has for us. It’s difficult for us to accept His love because we may feel as though we are not good enough or that we have not done enough. It’s like we feel as though we have to be perfect for Him to love us, but that is far from the truth.
Have you ever received a box of candy and a few of the chocolates were broken? This is how we are viewed by our Father. All of us are broken in some way. Yet, He still loves us. Just because we are a little broken does not mean He wants nothing to do with us until we are mended. That’s a lie that we tell ourselves. He wants us even more because we are so broken. In the book of Revelation, it says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). What does this mean? This means that God is near and He desires to enter our lives. However, we have to accept Him. He will not force His will on us. If we are willing to accept Him into our lives and have fellowship with Him, we’ll have a love story that will never end.
This would be a wonderful Valentine gift to receive. IT would be great to receive a gift of new life and fellowship with Christ for Valentine’s Day. So instead of waiting to receive a gift that will fade or be forgotten after a few days, receive the gift of new life in Christ this Valentine’s Day instead. Amen? Amen.