A Little Bit of Faith: A Storm is Coming

By Colleen White, Ed.D.
Can you feel a storm brewing before it comes? Most of us can. We see the signs, we may not want the storm to come, but if we are walking in Christ, we are not alone. We will have storms brewing in our lives. None of us are kept from storms. The wonderful thing about being a Christian is that when storms come, you know you have someone who will stick to you closer than a brother, a friend, or a parent. Jesus will help to carry you through the storm.
“You are my portion, O Lord; I have promised to obey your words. I have sought your face with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise” (Psalm 119:57-58). This scripture reflects a heart that is seeking to be pleasing to God in all aspects of life. In difficult situations of our lives, it is hard for us to say we will continue to obey God’s word no matter what. We often begin to question God and ask Him why we may be going through another storm after coming right out of a previous storm.
The person in Psalm 119 has been afflicted in some kind of way, thus, he acknowledges God’s judgment. It says, “I know, O Lord, that your laws are righteous, and in faithfulness you have afflicted me” (Psalm 119:75). The psalmist has a desire to still learn from his situation. He does not question it; he is accepting of it. He realizes that if God has allowed it, then there is something he can learn from it.
Are you going through another storm after just coming out of a previous storm? Is there something you can learn from this? Perhaps if you have a prayer of acknowledging your situation and be willing to say, “You are my portion, O Lord; I have promised to obey your words…be gracious to me according to your promise” (Psalm 119:57-58), then you have a teachable heart.
Our Heavenly Father has not promised to keep us out of difficult situations, but He has promised to always be with us as we go through the storm. If you’re in another storm today, open your heart to receive it and still be thankful that Our God can and will be with you through the storm. Amen? Amen.