
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church
St. John 2:12-25
In our previous article, it was discussed that the presence of the Lord brings joy, and that joy in one’s life is gained through obeying the Lord’s command. Through simple obedience to the Lord’s command, Christ changed water to wine, for wine in the bible is symbolical of joy; thus, Christ changed a potentially embarrassing situation where there was no wine to one of oasis of joy; moreover, the presence of Christ in our lives will accomplish the same! Now, as we approach this passage, we find Christ cleansing the temple because the money-changers and cattle dealers had made the Father’s house a house that was profaned, and not a house of honor. In this scene, the righteous anger of
the Lord is seen against a backdrop of profanation on the part of the cattle-dealers and money-changers.
Our blessed Lord addresses the issue at hand and affirms His deity by saying – “Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise” (St. John 2:16). The profanation of the money – changers brings out the fact that the holiness of the Lord’s house should be guarded at all times. There is a grave lesson for us – “The objects that have been set aside for the Lord’s use in the church should be honored because they have been consecrated for use in the things of the Lord.
We should take caution that we would never dishonor the Lord’s house nor the things dedicated in the worship of the Lord. Of course, Christ’s righteous anger and authority in cleansing the temple was challenged by the Jews when they said – “What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?” In verse 19, Christ replied – “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” The Jews misunderstood Christ’s statement (v.20) but it
was explained in verse 21. This statement (v. 19) by Christ will be used against Him at His trial before the high priest, Caiaphas (Matthew 26:61). The statement by Christ was not only affirmed by Him, but it was fulfilled because Christ did rise from the grave. And on the basis of Christ’s finished work on Calvary, God’s righteous anger (wrath) against
any unbeliever is definitely atoned for when that person places his or her faith in Jesus Christ. In support of the above statement, Romans 8:1 says – “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”
May God truly bless!
by Dr. Johnny Calvin Smith
Pastor, Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church