
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church
Christ’s Teaching in the Temple
The Center of Controversy
The passage before us deserves our most urgent attention. We find our blessed Lord still in the temple confronting the controversial Jewish populace. As Christ continued to teach among them, there was constant division among them, for they despised the person of Christ. The scene opens in verse 32 with the Pharisees, the religious formalist of their day, displaying their utter hatred of Christ in their attempt to apprehend or arrest Christ. Their opposition of Christ is very definite – both the Pharisee and chief priests sought to arrest Him; moreover, they had heard enough of Christ and as Christ continued to teach, nothing short of hatred erupted from their vile hearts!
Although these leaders wanted to apprehend Christ, He is in complete mastery of the situation, for no one could apprehend Him until that “little while was up” (v. 33). Christ had approximately six months until His awful ordeal of being man’s substitute on the cross – and until that time, no power was able to arrest Him. The words in verse 34 are indeed solemn. It would be vain for these leaders to seek Christ, for they had rejected Him and would in the future see Him at the Great White Throne, the throne before which all unsaved people will stand before Him (Revelation 20:11-15). The expression, “where I am” is very noteworthy in verse 34; Christ always kept His heavenly origin in view while dwelling among men. After His mission on earth was complete, He would go home to His Father.
Totally lacking in their spiritual understanding in verse 35, the Jews did not understand Christ’s declaration in verse 34, which furthered disclosed that the natural man cannot discern the spiritual things of God (I Corinthians 2:14). It is noteworthy in saying that in verse 36 these religious leaders were highly polished intellectually, but they lacked the Divine illumination necessary for understanding the things of God.
In spite of the religious leaders’ incessant hatred of Christ, our blessed Lord extends an invitation to them, when He said: “If any man thirst, let him come unto men, and drink” (v. 37). As the Feast of Tabernacles was drawing night, Christ is seen still providing a door of opportunity whereby men might receive Him. The last day or the eighth had arrived and these leaders were still guilty of being unsaved; yet, our Lord extends an invitation pleading with them to receive Him! In verse 38, the Lord offers complete satisfaction to anyone who receives Him. Jesus Christ is the source of spiritual satisfaction for any unsaved person’s parched soul! Having uttered such a sublime invitation in verses 38 and 39, it is to be noted that in verse 40 that the people were impressed with Christ’s gracious words that proceeded from His lips, but they made no commitment to receive Christ. Furthermore, the people in verse 41 and 42 evidenced that they knew where Christ was born, and were well acquainted with prophecy; yet, they were confused regarding the identity of Christ. However, when there is no enlightenment regarding the person of Christ, there will always be division because of Him (v. 43).
In verses 44 and 45, it is evident that until God decrees, no power was able to seize or arrest Christ, for His “hour” had not come (St. John 7:30). It was indeed ironic that the supposing arresting officers were really arrested by the authoritative words of Christ, for these arresting officers said – “Never man spake like this man” (v. 46). In verses 47 and 48, the haughty Pharisees continued to evidence their unbelief by asking the sneering question, for they saw no need of a Saviour. Although many of the Pharisees had not believed on Christ (v. 47-49), one distinguishing member by the name of Nicodemus had evidence his faith in Christ by becoming a staunch defender of Christ. Sovereign grace had chosen Nicodemus and now we find him defending Christ. At this conference he is seen rebuking his fellow colleagues. In verses 52-53, unbelief continues to manifest itself – a prophet did come out of Galilee and on the last day of this grand feast, the religious leaders were still divided on the person of Christ. May God bless!