“A Journey Through the Gospel of John”

Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church
St. John 15:7-16
Christ – Our True Vine
Part II
From our last study in the grand chapter of St. John 15, the most prominent thought was fruit-bearing, for the Lord expects believers to bear fruit. If the believer is to be a fruit producer of the Vine, he or she must depend on Christ by abiding in Him. As mentioned in our last study, the word “abide” means to maintain fellowship with Him, and one is only in fellowship with Him when that person is in obedience to His word.
In verse 7, one of the conditions that shows a believer is abiding in Christ is he will have an efficient prayer life. An abiding believer’s prayers will be in accord with God’s will, for the mind of the believer will be conditioned by God’s Holy Word. According to verse 8, answered prayer glorifies the Father, and an abiding believer will bring honor to the Father because he is obedient to God’s word and will have an effective prayer life. Another condition of being an abiding believer is that he will continue in the Lord’s love (v. 9-10). Abiding in the marvels of the Lord’s love is contingent on the believer being obedient to God’s word. When a believer truly abides in Christ, he is drawing from the Lord’s strength and fullness; and thus, he will abide in the Lord’s love! A believer can only enjoy the Lord’s love when he keeps Christ’s commandments.
Having discussed love in verses 9 and 10, Christ now discusses the word “joy.” To experience joy, a believer must have communion with Christ and be obedient to His word. The expression, “these things” has reference to a believer maintaining fellowship with Christ, and will become the condition on which a believer realizing God’s joy. Joy is never conditioned on a believer’s circumstance; rather, it is conditioned on his obedience to God’s commands! One of the proofs that a disciple of Christ is obedient to Him is that he will demonstrate love to others, for verse 12 says – “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.”
Not only are believers commanded to love, but we are to sacrificially love one another (v.13). Christ demonstrated the extent of His love sacrificially. He laid down His life for us; He supremely demonstrated His love for the unlovable, for we did not merit God’s awesome love! Just as Christ’s love had no limitations, neither should our love toward one another have limitations! In accordance with verse 14, obedient disciples are those who are deemed God’s friends. One classic individual who was a “friend of God” was Abraham (II Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8). He was called a friend of God because he was an obedient servant of God.
Because of Christ’s close and personal discussion with His disciples, even being called friends, the disciples should not be viewed as slaves – those who did the master’s bidding, but had no close relationship to him. Yet, a true disciple of Christ is a friend of God though obedience to Him and that disciple will know God’s will (v. 15)! In conclusion, our Lord revealed to His disciples that He chose them that they might produce enduring fruit, and that prayers asked in His name will be granted (v. 16). May God Bless!