2019: A Momentous Year

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

My Day

By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Picture: Power of Three

What did 2019 do for you?  What did you celebrate the most?  How much did you learn?

In 2019, Dr. Linda Amerson, Valder Beebe and I were selected as cover girls for an international magazine “Entrepreneurs of Color” based out of Atlanta, Georgia.  The publisher mentioned early in our conversation that he wanted to design a means of communication among women of color around the world.  He further wanted all three of us on the cover.  Our next decision was where to do the photo session.  Well, we decided to add another  women of color.  This photo was taken on a hot summer day on “Ann Williams Way”, in the Arts District, Downtown Dallas.  Mrs. Ann Williams is the Founder of the Dallas Black Dance Theater.

The “Power of Three” was foundationally created to reach more of a universal audience.  You see Linda, Valder  and I are internet host with difference formats, audiences  and styles.  Combining our numbers, brands  and subjects we anticipated a larger global presence. . . and our expectations were overwhelming.  Just our combined years in media (television, radio, print magazines, community) totaled over sixty(60)years.  This concept rose very rapidly and within a few months we were receiving calls nationally, internationally with an increase in speaking engagements.  The questions were mild ones at first . . . the ride was a wild one.  But  we quickly recognized that other regions were emulating our vision and ‘morning calm’ as one reader referenced to the cooperative  movement.

Women are amazing.  Women rock!!!.  Women make it happen.  And when combined with a ocean scope, there is a tidal wave of wonder and ‘can do’ spirit. But the secret is you never know until you make that little step beginning.   We heard from so many women, a few Dads,  one applauding us as ‘icicles cascading down so impressive it looks like works of art’.

The final point here is 2020 is upon us.  More challenges await us.  Make it a more colorful year. . . and always remember to ‘color within the lines’.

Happy New Year!
