2018 Corporate Day of Service Draws 500 Volunteers to the Trinity River Corridor

Volunteers to restore native plant species and remove debris from Pavaho Wetlands
We invite you to experience the enthusiasm of 500 volunteers working at different sites along the Trinity River Corridor – all in one day. Each of these volunteers will have a chance to discover the beauty of this vast natural wild space in the heart of the city. The Trinity River Conservation Corps’ 5th Annual Corporate Day of Service kicks-off on Friday, April 13 from 8 a.m. until noon. Event producers for the event are Southwest Airlines, the Trinity Park Conservancy and the City of Dallas.
Volunteers from a variety of companies will work together to plant native grasses and aquatic species, install signage and clean along the Pavaho Wetlands within the Dallas Floodway. Volunteers will also learn about the size and scope of the Trinity River corridor including the wide-variety of plants and wildlife thriving in this urban eco-system, one of Dallas’ unique and wonderful natural resources. Southwest Airlines will also be working with Groundwork Dallas and 300 volunteers at the Texas Buckeye Trail during the event.
WHEN: Friday, April 13, – 8 a.m. to Noon
8 a.m. – Opening Ceremony
WHERE: Media Parking and Staging