
My Day
By Dr. J. Ester Davis

“You’re Fired” said the American people and the majority waiting nations around the globe enhanced the dance and applause with a standing ovation.

Plain and simply, the current United States President lost the popular vote by a distinct margin and the  electoral vote still growing over 270. Mr. Trump did not represent all the citizens of America, and on a daily basis, he openly expressed via twitter (a most inappropriate form of communique) his discontent along with his disconnect with everything about America.  America is changing and the New South is wide open.  America is a diverse nation. Most homes in America today have another race/color relative.   I have two interracial grandsons.  Texas is the leader of diversity with lots of room for diversity to roam.   Make no mistake about it, this “royal firing” was destined. The firing of  45 has been impatiently planned throughout  neighborhoods, kitchen tables, backyards, c-suites,  retirement and recreation centers for months before the Pandemic.  The center focus was prepare to vote.  This President has been his worst enemy since taking office, so the offering of voting fraud is almost laughable.  You do not have to commit fraud, lie and cheat when you mistreat the people you took an oath to represent.  This is a democracy.  We have options. There was lots of proof that ‘something was up’.  The evidence was in the massive long lines to vote early.  The evidence was the willingness of cities around the United States to stay open late so people could vote.  The evidence was the number of young voters who volunteered   time so there would be enough workers. It is credible to mention so many of our youth participated in the peaceful  globe-wide protests (Black-Lives-Matter) and the quest for our accurate complete count.

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, 20 hours ago. . . this article completed Tuesday, November 10th,  107 million American citizens voted early.  The highest in history for a presidential election.  That is a significant history note. There was something mighty big and important that ‘motivated’ Americans to get to the polls.  Just to name a few, blatant lies, children in cages, derogatory remarks about the very popular 44th President, degrading women.  Again just to name a few.    President Trump was not a “fit” for all the people and he made no attempt to be.   It actually had nothing to do with whether “I liked him or not”.  It was his sincere disrespect and “above-the-constitution -attitude combined with an “unfit   ungrateful  commander-in-chief  abusing his power”. So, I strongly disagree that the uptick of the Pandemic was the single and sole reason for the firing.  It certainly propelled the issuance of the ‘pink ship’ from . . . we, the people.

On a lighter side, there is nothing wrong with being “fired”. It is a healthy American right-of-passage.  Over the course of my corporate career, I was fired twice.  Years later as a television host on one of our Time Warner segments, we conducted a survey, followed by a subsequent show on people who had heard these famous words.  Some of them, after aforethought, admitted that they did not do the job. . . should have been fired.  It will be interesting to see how history will record the impeachment and firing of the 45th President of the United States.

Way back in March, we asked our Dallas County Commissioner Price to come and discuss  COVID-19 with the black media.  See article “This is Survival” in Dallas Post Tribune Archives, BPENTv, DFW BAM, several social media  sites.   Based on science,  ten plus years ago, the Obama Administration  had a complete plan in place for the nation which was ignored by the incoming administration.   This Pandemic is an adjective that is all inclusive, so pervasive that it is affecting the whole world.  This 100 year Pandemic is a public health nightmare and should be nonpolitical.

Going forward with baseless allegations of fraud, voting irregulations, lawsuits, overturning Obamacare in the midst of a roaring pandemic, I wonder why 45 is recklessly  willing to lose twice.
