
Superintendent Michael HinojosaBY GENE DAVIS

A strong majority of voters have approved Dallas ISD’s proposed $1.6 billion bond package that is anticipated to fund nine new schools, 326 new classrooms, facility enhancements that support academic programs, and facility improvements at almost every district school.

Preliminary results show that approximately 60 percent of voters supported the bond, which is not anticipated to raise school district tax rates. The preliminary results will become final when the board canvases the votes on Nov. 12.

“The passage of this bond allows us to make significant strides in creating learning environments that will help all of our students graduate college and career ready,” Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said. “We look forward to working with the Board and our school communities to ensure that the work funded by this bond exceeds all of our expectations.”

The bond package will, in part, invest in three district priorities: early childhood education, the Public School Choice initiative, and the Career and Technical Education program.

The passage of the bond is an opportunity to bring the community together as the district begins to work on the design process for new schools, additions and expansions.

The bond package is based on recommendations compiled by the 27-member Future Facilities Task Force. The task force made recommendations based on input from numerous sources, including Future Facilities Task Force members, Dallas ISD staff, school administrators, community members, and facility assessment reports commissioned by the district. Task force members came from a cross section of geographic areas, businesses and communities.

Following the release of the election results, Board President Eric Cowan said he was grateful for the confidence and trust shown with the vote.

“This is a great day for the students, staff, and stakeholders of Dallas ISD,” he said.