United We Stand… Divided We Fall!!


unitedWeStand2This media has called for unity and togetherness for the last decade, hoping to reach the goal of a better society.

At this time in history, it is imperative that Hispanics, Blacks, Whites and all races work together to accomplish a sense of unity.

For several years, this media has called for the togetherness of all people — white, black, brown, etc.

As members of a civilized society, our mission must be to motivate, educate and elevate all people. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and other minorities can no longer afford to be divided. All must equally be given an opportunity to elevate themselves. So, the cry is neither Black nor White, rather, it is for the right. Studies have revealed that it is not the Black race that dominates the welfare rolls, nor is it the Blacks with the highest percentage of social diseases. Let us not fall prey to the propaganda that Blacks alone are in need of rising from the ashes of despair. All races must improve their social and educational status.

Facing the complexities of the Twenty-First Century, our beloved country can no longer be about seclusion, separation and segregation. This country was founded on the right to be free in speech, assembly, education and religion, and on that premise the United States of America emerged into a strong country, but, the country is now threatened from within because of the spirit of division. With the percentage of Blacks and other minorities projected to dominate the workforce during the next decade, we need to start now to prepare people who can compete. If that potential workforce is denied access to education and the mainstream, how then can we expect to keep America secure, prosperous and stable? Too much is at stake. We can no longer afford to be divided. The economic, education and social pie must be shared — not only as a matter of justice, but of necessity. While there is no strength in the division of a country, there is a mighty fortress in a country united. Does it not make good sense to strive to live together in harmony for the safety and success of us all? Our national security demands it. United we will stand, but divided, we shall ultimately fall.