The Spiritual Wealth of the Believers Ephesians 1, 2

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

Ephesians was written to a great body of believers who were excessively wealthy but they were devoid of understanding their immeasurable richness.  They had been richly endowed by God, but they were living spiritually like they were poor. They had a vast spiritual bank account (Chapters 1-3), but they had not appropriated it for their spiritual walk (Chapters 4-6).  What good is it to have an abundant flow of cash, and you fail to use it?  Paul had already revealed in Chapter 1 that this church had received a spiritual bank account, which consisted of: adoption (1:5), acceptance (1:6), redemption (1:7), forgiveness (1:7), wisdom (1:8), inheritance (1:11), and the sealing of the Holy Spirit (1:13).  Paul really wanted this church to understand the depth of their spiritual richness.  In the Chapter 2, there are some more spiritual resources which Paul said that these believers had received, such as: new life (2:1), grace (2:5), citizenship (2:6).  Thanks be unto God, that we are going to heaven spiritually affluent or wealthy.  Those who are “in Christ”, having accepted by faith His finished work on Calvary in your hearts, will exit this life with vast spiritual holdings.  We will not have to worry about anyone trying to take this wealth from us.  Time, decay, or even disease cannot distort or corrupt the wealth that we have received by faith.

The bible informs us that when we leave this scene that our little earthly possessions will not be taken with us to our eternal home, for Paul said in I Timothy 6:7: “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.”  Our material wealth, all that which we have amassed down here, will be given to relatives; some families will compete for it and others will not.  My wife, Violet, and I have three lovely children.  We can leave them a legacy of faith in God, and incidentally, our children have accepted Christ as their Saviour; but we cannot endow them with salvation.  Every person must accept Christ for himself.  I wish that I could endow every man with salvation, but I can’t.  Every man born after Adam (our forefather) has been endowed spiritually lost (Romans 3:23, 5:12).  He or she needs to understand that the only remedy for their bankrupt spiritual condition is acceptance of Christ’s finished work on Calvary.  There on the cross, Jesus Christ met all of the demands of God’s wrath against sin.  At the cross, He paid in full the sin debt necessary to appease God, our Father.  We deserved God’s wrath, but because of Christ’s redemptive work and our acceptance of it, we are wealthy now, and will enter eternity spiritually benefited.  If you would like to gain all of these spiritual benefits in Chapters 1–3, you need to trust in our wealthy Saviour, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:13).  In closing, our meager bank accounts will only give us a fixed interest amount on the money held in an account(s), but the vast holdings we have received by faith will benefit us eternally.

May God Bless!