The Spiritual Blessings of the Saints Ephesians 1:1-14

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church


This redemption was not due to human merit; rather, it was according to the riches of God’s grace.  The extent of God’s grace can be measured by the vast price that He paid – the blood of His only begotten Son – in order to release humans, bound by sin (v. 7).  God was not half hearted as He bestowed His grace.  He has lavished His grace in a way that surpasses all human wisdom.  God solved what seemed to be the unsolvable problem of human sin.  God’s wisdom was apparent and prevailed, for His Son became a human and bore the sins of all mankind (v. 8).  These blessings flowed from a gracious heart of God.

In verses 9-10, Paul continued his benediction of praise by saying that God has made known to believers “the mystery of His will.”  The word “mystery” was a revelation previously unknown but now has been revealed for the first time.  God’s plan of redemption had been established before the beginning of time; however, God chose not to reveal all of His plan at once.

God determined His plan according to His own good pleasure (v. 9).  Although Satan has corrupted the world through sin, God is progressively working to reconcile the sinful world to Himself.  The ultimate result of God’s program is that He will gather together the whole universe in Christ (v. 10).

In verses 11-12, Paul continued to praise God for His benevolent blessings.  Not only has God provided redemption and reconciliation through Christ, but He also has promised an eternal inheritance for us.  No one can prevent God from putting His plan into action and bringing it to completion.  As the Sovereign Creator, God is able to work all things according to what His will counsels (v. 11).  God has indeed worked in a way that His glory (essential nature) would be praised (v. 12).

  1. The Spiritual Blessings of the Holy Spirit – Ephesians 1:13-14

Thus far, Paul has discussed the Spiritual Blessings of the Father (vv. 3-6), Son (vv. 7-12), and now he will discuss the Spiritual Blessing of the Spirit (vv. 13-14).  In verse 13, Paul is addressing the Gentile Christians.  The Gentile Christians had received the gospel of salvation as the Jews.  They had been sealed by the same Holy Spirit as the Jews.  The Gentile believers had been sealed, which was a formal public sign of ownership.

The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit was evidence that both the Jews and Gentiles equally belonged to God.  God’s gift of the Holy Spirit is just the first installment of the inheritance He has planned and provided for us!  We are enjoying God’s blessings now; however, there are many more blessings to come!