The Report Isaiah 53:1

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

The classic passage before us warrants our careful attention because it is of supreme importance, in that, it describes the unusual suffering that the suffering servant (Jesus Christ) experienced for you and me.  Those of us who are familiar with God’s word know that Isaiah Chapter 53 and Psalm 22 are excellent passages on the suffering ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Truly, truly He suffered the agony of being crucified for sinful mankind.  His supreme purpose for invading humanity was to die vicariously for mankind, for St. Mark 10:45, says:  “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

His very death on the cross served sufficiently as a payment on our behalf to satisfy the righteous indignation of God Almighty!  This princely writer, Isaiah, was so overwhelmed in his concern that “his report” (account) of the suffering servant would go unnoticed or attention would not be drawn to it (v.1).  This report is indeed significant because of its supreme worth; yet this report was rejected because the nation of Israel did not discern the value of the person of Christ nor His work of redemption on their behalf.  My question to this reading audience is:  “Do you believe the report?”  Do you believe that our Saviour died on your behalf and that He was buried and rose again?  (I Corinthians 15:3-4).  Even though you may have lived a less than respectable life, you can still receive eternal life simply by believing the report.  Don’t reject Him and experience eternal separation from Him, for that horrible experience will be one of unusual pain and agony (Revelation 20:14-15).  Jesus Christ bore all of the horror of being crucified for us that by faith in believing the report we might experience the joy of being saved.

At birth, we came here lost (Romans 3:23, 3:10) but our God loved us so much that He provided a way of salvation through His matchless Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 5:8, 6:23).  Jesus Christ left the throne of heaven to dwell with sinful mankind because man was in need of spiritual help.  He came as a heavenly missionary seeking lost humanity, for St. Luke 19:10, says – “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”  In closing, don’t be among the many victims that underestimate the value of “the report” given by the prophet Isaiah seven years before the Messiah’s birth.  Certainly, during His first advent, the Messiah has wrought a great redemption for mankind, and mankind is responsible for the revelation that has been offered (Romans 10:9-10).

May God Bless!