The First Question Uttered in the Bible

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

In Proverbs chapter 8, we hear wisdom as she beseeches everyone to listen to her instructions. She is appealing to all to heed her wise advice. Being personified as a woman, she is seen calling upon all in the streets to listen to her and receive wise instructions. Wisdom has excellent qualities unlike the unchaste woman of chapter 7. We would all benefit greatly in life if we would heed her (wisdom’s) instruction. In her activity, she goes to various strategic places seeking to be heard. In other words, wherever there are people, wisdom is there making her appeal. In an effort to be heard, she goes to great length to reach people to listen to her candid advice. She is there for everyone, but she is especially there for the “simple” and “fools” (v.4.). Wisdom is really of no avail until she is listened to and her advice heeded. She is especially trying to draw the naïve (simple) and the foolish to listen to her wise advice because they are in need of it, and they will most likely be the ones who will spurn her advice.

In verses 1 – 5, we see wisdom as wise instruction – “O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart” (v. 5). However, in verses 6-9, we will see wisdom’s excellent qualities. Wisdom can be counted on because she speaks that which is right (v.6). In contrast to the unchaste woman of chapter 7, wisdom, if heeded, will steer one in the right direction. She can also be counted upon because she will speak the truth and nothing corrupt will issue from her mouth (v.7.) Man today should want to listen to someone possessed with honesty and uprightness of character; in addition, if he does so, he will be directed in the right path of life. Moreover, wisdom in her exhortation wants people to heed to her instructions because they are worth more than silver and gold (v.10, 11).

In verses 12-21, wisdom will be embraced only by those who love and seek her – “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me” (v.17). She will not force herself upon anyone, but if her advice is heeded, it will result in one receiving riches, honor, and lasting wealth (v.18). Also, what Solomon is saying is that one who possesses wisdom will have a virtuous walk.

If one applies wisdom, he will also be given the fitness to keep and maintain his material wealth – “I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment: That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures” (vv. 20-21). As we conclude this discussion, God, the source of true and genuine wisdom, is calling on all men to accept His only remedy for the lost condition of man, Jesus Christ. You can gain a personal relationship with the Father only through His Son, Jesus, for St. John 14:6 says: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Accept Him as your Saviour and Lord.