“The Cry Of A Troubled Ssaint” Psalm 77:1-20

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

Psalm 77 is a wonderful psalm that describes the awesome cry of a troubled saint. The superscription of this psalm of lament reads: “To the chief Musician, to Jeduthun, A Psalm of Asaph.” Jeduthun was a choir director during David’s day (I Chronicles 16:41). In studying the psalms of Asaph, we are brought to bear that he had many troubles that were perplexing. With that thought in mind, I was lead to read certain verses in the book of Job that spoke about the troubles of mankind. Every man dwelling upon this earth is faced with trouble, for Job 14:1 says, “Man that is born of a woman is of a few days, and full of trouble.” Again, Job affirms the trouble of man, in that, Job 5:7 states, “Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward.”

In verses 1-3, Asaph revealed his problem in his prevailing prayer of asking God to hear him. He had agonized in prayer but it was a failure. In verse 3 he says, “I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed.” As he searched for an answer, he thought of his former days when God did deliver. However, he remained confused and he found no reason for praise (vv. 4-6). Continuing to be in distress, Asaph thought that God had abandoned him and the nation (vv. 7-9). Because he saw no immediate response he was led to question, “Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will He be favourable no more? (v. 7).”

As believers today, when undergoing trouble, let us remember that God is always with us as we struggle with the issues of life (Hebrews 13:5-6). Although this psalmist was in deep trouble, he really received comfort by meditating on God’s awesome deliverance of Israel during the Exodus (vv. 10-20). He resolves in verses 10-11 to remain confident as he states, “And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High. I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.”

God’s great power revealed in the past should promote meditative praise for God’s people who need a way of rescue for their troubles! If God can rescue in the past, He can rescue those who are in trouble, right now! When trouble arises in our lives, let us trust in the Lord for He knows how to minister in a time of crisis!

May God Bless!