“The Chief. The Promoter. The Champ.”  


My Day
By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Few things come together on an impulse and turn on-a-dime’s notice.  A great idea can be ever so grand but without willing and righteous execution it simply falls off the vine.  I have this marvelous story I cannot wait to tell about our Dallas Police Chief Garcia, Cedric L. Brown, known as the promoter-with-a-purpose, and Roy Jones, Jr, the boxing legend who stopped in Dallas headed to Canastota, New York, for his induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame (IBHOF). This entire story take place in about two(2) hours on-time like a finely tuned clock piece. The impact of a great idea surprising an unsuspecting community and the Dallas Police Chief was priceless.


Saturday, May 14, 2022, was an awfully busy day in Dallas, Texas. The Dallas Police Department was having “Enough Is Enough” Stop The Violence Community Town Hall  at the Juanita J. Craft Recreation Center on Spring Avenue.  Cedric L. Brown and Roy Jones, Jr., were on a local radio station talking about Kingdom Boxing Presents…. the first round at 7:00 pm later that evening and the illustrious career of Roy Jones, Jr. I agree, having Roy Jones, Jr., in Dallas was a nice touch as stated by a boxing fan.

Major Quibb, a well-known police officer in the community and I started this conversation via phone about how great  “it would be to surprise the Chief and the community” with a visit from Roy Jones, Jr.

Time-wise we were out-of time with no time to spare at either events.  Both the Community Town Hall Forum and  Kingdom Boxing at The Factory were well planned and well-endowed with attendance.   But the beauty of the day, a real sunny Saturday somehow made us believe we could . . . possibly make it work.   The next issue was the uncooperative traffic we have here that seems endless wherever you roam.

Somewhere in the conversation it was stated by one of the officers, that the two venues were only several miles apart.  That is true, but  “the promoter” and “the champ” were at this time on a radio broadcast in far North Dallas. The discussion on Spring Avenue in South Dallas started getting more creative with ‘magic’ in the air…..and finally the suggestion was to send a police car to pick them up. We even had a volunteer officer to run-the-errand.   No. Said the promoter, we will drive.

Roy Jones, Jr., 52 years old, born and raised in Pensacola, Florida is a gifted boxer.  Writers say he is packaged with so much showmanship into his ring endeavors.  He has had global followers since the 1988 Summer Olympics.  Now he is training young boxers because he has done it all, i.e., fighter, trainer, promoter, actor, color commentator and rapper.  He speaks with assurance, conviction and praise.

Upon arrival, the program was interrupted as stated, Roy Jones, Jr., was introduced and the awaiting crowd seemed to hold their breath in disbelief in anticipation of what he had to say.  Roy started with the forum theme “Enough-is-Enough”. He picked it right up and continued with it takes “a group of people to build a community.  We are trying to build the future champions of tomorrow. I have traveled all over the world, but whatever you do, do it well and do not forget about God”.