The African American & Dr. Huang Dr. Philip Huang, Director, Dallas County Health & Human Services – My Day

Dr. Philip Huang, Director, Dallas County Health & Human Services

By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Who is Dr. Philip Huang?  Where is he from?  How effective is he with the mixed high profile cultures in

Dallas County?  Does he connect to all communities?  How many languages does he speak?

 Several months ago, I sat down with Dr. Huang at the comprehensive Dallas County Health Offices on I35 Freeway.  Dr. Huang is very calming, direct and speaks with emphasis. The young  Philip Huang directed the Lake Highlands High School Band where he graduated.  His family moved to Dallas in 1963 when he was 2 years old.  His father is from Taiwan and his mother was born in Seattle to Japanese parents.  His Dad was a seismologist hired by Atlantic Richfield in Downtown Dallas.  The family settled near Stults Road an area many African Americans are familiar with.  This public health administrator is a musician, an ad hoc magician with an advanced degree from Harvard, a resume that includes the CDC and he came from Austin to this job at Dallas County Health as ‘top cop’.

Before the interview, I was transparent about my questions and especially the word ‘disproportionately’ used so frequently by newsrooms, journalists and television hosts around the globe as it relates to communities of color. How do we begin to correct this?  So, we started here.  We both fully acknowledged the importance of clergy, pastors, politicians but what is absent from this equation is the black media.  So, I asked if he knew there are seven(7)black press weekly publications in Southern Dallas?  I introduced Dr. Huang to another very golden group that is completely overlooked.  Dr. Huang was interested in connecting with the retired African American Nurses, a conversation group formed for insight during this COVID_19-to-vaccine Crisis.  Our 2nd conversation interview will include the wisdom and experienced talent of our retired registered nurses.   In this initial group of eight, is a retired Navy nurse of twenty-one(21)years, several nurses from education and private sector care with invaluable news.

For the last two(2) decades churchgoing (mosque, synagogues) have declined sharply in attendance.         

Some credible research sources have confirmed a 40% drop.  And we all were witness to the decline BEFORE . . . the virus invaded our space.   On the other side of the coin, communication and media has increased by 55% and growing higher.  Where we go for information and to get information or reach the masses has a ‘new highway’  with no speed limit.  This new autofocus highway is and has changed our entire way of life.

How do we begin to correct these communication channels with COVID-19, the vaccine, HIV, in Dallas County?  And . . . in concert remove the word’ disproportionately affecting communities of color” . . . . I ask publicly that the Governor, County Judge, Commissioners, Dr. Huang, elected politicians embrace the African American Media.  And that should start right here in Dallas County.

As we march into a new decade. . . . the black media is a great partner.  Thank you Dr. Huang.  We look forward to our next time with you.