SwCC Presents Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters to Shay Wyrick Cathey

Dr. Shay Wyrick Cathey with her husband Mr. Victor Cathey and thei three sons Caleb, Noah and Luke
Dr. Shay Wyrick Cathey with her husband Mr. Victor
Cathey and thei three sons Caleb, Noah and Luke

Southwestern Christian College, the only historically Black college founded by members of the churches of Christ, recently celebrated in 65th anniversary with an elaborate gala to honor the school’s storied history. During the celebration, SwCC President Dr. Jack Evans presented outgoing former Dallas Post Tribune staffer Shay Wyrick Cathey with the Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters for her service to the college through the Alumni Association. Dr. Cathey, who was hooded by SwCC First Lady Patricia Evans, concluded a decade of service as President of the national organization of former students. She is credited with reviving the alumni association by restoring annual giving to the college, increasing the number of members, and creating the SwCC Alumni Hall of Fame.

In her final State of the Association address, Dr. Cathey told the audience her life had been forever changed by attending Southwestern following in the footsteps of her parents, brother and other family members. The impact of Southwestern on her life, she said, motivated her to work hard to lead the Alumni Association with the best of her ability.

“How could I not draw every ounce of strength, creativity, determination, and any other positive attribute that I possessed to lead the association of her former students to greater heights? Southwestern didn’t educate me so that I could be less than who I was when I entered her gates. I was supposed to be better, smarter, more prepared to face the world outside of her comforting arms,” she to a standing room only crowd at the gala.

Dr. Cathey was presented with other tokens of appreciation, including a plaque, a quilt made from various alumni shirts during her administration, a Coach purse, and roses from her husband Victor, also a SwCC alumnus, and their three sons.  Ramon Hodridge, minister of the Avenue F Church of Christ in Plano will succeed Dr. Cathey as Alumni President.