Souls to the Polls

Join Souls to the Polls
Make Sure the Voices of Our Community are Heard!
What is Souls to the Polls?
Souls to the Polls is a voter turnout initiative that encourages organization members and supporters to meet at designated locations and caravan together to a local polling site. This exciting event will join culture, unity and service in a single URGENT activity. Participants will have fun decorating their cars with signs saying “Get Out and Vote,” “Your Vote Counts” and “Rock the Vote” and riding through communities parade style to encourage people to make voting a priority.
Why is this necessary?
The struggle for equal voting rights dates to the earliest days of U.S. history. Now, after a period of bipartisan efforts to expand enfranchisement, Americans once again face new obstacles to voting. Souls to the Polls was created to ensure that disenfranchised communities, specifically communities of color, have their voices heard.
Why now?
Because of the ongoing pandemic and continued efforts to suppress the votes of minority communities, waiting until Election Day is not wise. The sooner we get out and vote – the better! Souls to the Polls matters now more than ever!
What now?
Super Sunday early voting dates are Oct. 18, 2020, and Oct. 25, 2020, and Souls to the Polls will be from 1-5 p.m. If your organization would like to participate, complete the Eventbrite registration form below.
Who should participate?
The entire community is welcome to mobilize a caravan to the polls! Suggestions are: churches, community organizations, businesses, sororities, fraternities, car clubs, jeep clubs, trail-riding clubs, motorcycle clubs, residential communities, barbers & clients, hair stylists & clients, high school groups, college groups, and more!
Eventbrite Registration Form: h ttps://, and we will contact you with the necessary details.
Register for Souls to the Polls to participate in our democracy where your vote is your voice!
Hosted by:
DFW Metro Justice & Equality
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