Ron J. Anderson MD Clinic to open on Parkland campus


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAClinic named in honor of longtime CEO

DALLAS – For nearly three decades Ron J. Anderson, MD was Parkland Health & Hospital System’s president and CEO and a champion of healthcare for the uninsured and underinsured in Dallas County. He was committed to improving the health of those in need and was a driving force behind the campaign that led to passage of a bond package in 2008 to build a new Parkland Memorial Hospital.

Although he died in 2014, Dr. Anderson’s presence will be felt when the new ambulatory clinic bearing his name opens on Jan. 17, 2017 on Parkland’s Harry Hines campus. Under his leadership, a network of community-based health centers was developed and today a dozen clinics are located in historically underserved neighborhoods throughout Dallas County.

The five-story, 227,420 square-foot clinic is approximately the size of four football fields. Comprised of 171 exam rooms, the clinic also houses four MRI’s, five CT scanners, three radiology and seven ultrasound rooms with expansion capacity. A pharmacy, which will operate 24/7, is located on the first floor.

Outpatient specialty clinics will move from their current location in the Parkland OPC, 5201 Harry Hines Blvd. Among the clinics that will relocate are neurology, EEG/EMG, renal, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiology, pre-anesthesia, urology and ENT as well as medicine and surgery outpatient specialty clinics. Outpatient lab and phlebotomy will also transition to the new facility.

In fiscal year 2016, there were more than 355,000 outpatient specialty clinic visits.

“Along with providing a patient-friendly environment, what makes the Anderson clinic unique is its proximity to the DART green line,” said Jerry Nickerson, Jr., Parkland’s interim vice president of Facilities and Development. “Patients, family and staff members can easily get to the clinic via light rail or DART buses.”

Connections from the clinic to the main hospital are available on the lower level or on the second floor via a sky bridge, Nickerson said. Supplies and equipment can be transported to the building through an underground tunnel.

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