Remembering the fallen on Memorial Day

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

On May 25th, the people of our nation will pause to commemorate fallen members of the military, as we celebrate Memorial Day, a time of reflection and resolve. Today, we memorialize fallen patriots who gave their lives so that we might live ours. Because of their valor, America remains a beacon of freedom, justice and peace.

Some people will spend time praying, while others will visit cemeteries to place flowers and flags on the graves of family members and friends. They will even visit the graves of those they did not know.

Since the time of the Revolutionary War, more than one million courageous individuals have paid the ultimate price to protect our nation and the principles upon which our democracy was founded. Many of them went into battle well aware of the possibility that they would never return to their loved ones.

These brave men and women were of every color, from various parts of the country and held many religious beliefs. Despite these differences, all of them believed in the sacredness of freedom, not only for Americans but for all men and women threatened by the loss of liberty.

Today, we honor the memory of America’s fallen heroes and express our deepest gratitude to the family members who shared their greatest treasures to ensure the safety of our nation.

As we honor the memory of our fallen soldiers, we remain keenly aware of those servicemen and women who remain in areas of war and conflict. We pray daily for their safety, and remain eternally grateful for their commitment and dedication.

While we can never repay our debt for their sacrifices, we remain committed to upholding our nation’s sacred trust by providing the resources and support members of our armed services need during their times of service, and when they return to civilian life.

I will always fight to ensure that they have the benefits that they have earned and deserve. Their sacrifices have contributed to the greatness of our nation, and they will always be remembered for their valor and their deeds.