Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Visits Dallas


The Associated Press  

(DALLAS – Donald Trump, the front-runner in the Republican presidential sweepstakes, received a standing ovation on Monday evening during a campaign rally before thousands in an arena here when he hit on his signature issue: curbing illegal immigration. The 20,000-capacity venue was at least three-quarters full for the evening rally.

Donald Trump - visits Dallas“We are a dumping ground for the rest of the world,” said Trump, who emphasized his commitment to deporting all undocumented immigrants and building a wall on the southern border of the United States.

“We don’t want them either!” yelled a woman as he spoke.

The subject of illegal immigration, which has made Trump a sharply polarizing figure in the 2016 White House race, brought the Republican his most enthusiastic cheers of the evening.

The event served as one of Trump’s final warm-ups for the second Republican debate Wednesday night. Trump will be positioned at center stage once again, a reflection of polls that show him holding a clear lead over the rest of the field.

Hundreds of critics of Donald Trump’s statements on Mexican immigrants and immigration went on the march to protest a Trump presidential campaign rally in Dallas.

More than 1,000 people participated in the Monday march and demonstration organized by the North Texas chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens. They marched from the Dallas Roman Catholic cathedral to the AmericanAirlinesCenter, where Trump was to appear to a packed house. Some marchers carried signs criticizing Trump and at least one carried a Trump piñata.

There were no disturbances and no reports of arrests at what was promoted as a “Dump Trump” rally.

Trump enthusiasts started lining up at noon outside the arena, some driving considerable distances. Some said they were not at all sure they would vote for him but sure didn’t want to miss a chance to see him in person.