NAACP warns African-Americans against travel on American Airlines


FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — The NAACP is warning African-Americans that if they fly on American Airlines they could be subject to discrimination or even unsafe conditions.

American said Wednesday that it was disappointed by the announcement and will invite the civil rights group to meet and talk about the airline.

The NAACP said that for several months it has watched a pattern of disturbing incidents reported by African-American passengers. Among them was activist Tamika Mallory’s claim last week that she was a victim of racial bias when a pilot ordered her off a flight after a dispute with another airline employee over her seat.

The NAACP said that and other recent incidents involving African-Americans “suggest a corporate culture of racial insensitivity and possible racial bias on the part of American Airlines.”

American Airlines, based in Fort Worth, Texas, said it has a diverse workforce and serves customers of all backgrounds.

With a crew of 42 officers and 600 enlisted, submarine tenders are 649 feet long and weigh approximately 23,493 tons. Their mission is to provide maintenance, repairs, hotel services, weapons reload and logistics support to deployed guided-missile and fast-attack submarines. Both of the U.S. Navy’s submarine tenders are homeported in Apra Harbor, Guam, and rotate between deployment to support the forward-operating in the 5th and 7th Fleet areas of responsibility and in port in Guam to support in-port and visiting units.

Submarine tenders are additionally capable of providing repair and logistic services to deployed surface ships.

“I am impressed every day by the caliber of the Sailors who serve aboard our ship,” said Capt. Douglas Bradley, commanding officer of USS Emory S. Land. “Our hardworking crew completes an immense amount of work daily aboard this ship. The multitude of different skills and responsibilities is remarkable: submarine and surface ship repair, weapons handling, supply, medical, dental, and more. I am extremely honored to lead and serve this immensely talented and dedicated crew.”

The integrated crew of Sailors and civilian mariners builds a strong fellowship while working alongside each other, Robinski explained. The crews are highly motivated, and quickly adapt to changing conditions.  It is a busy life of specialized work, watches and drills.

“The Navy has presented me a lot of opportunities to excel as an individual and to better myself,” said Robinski. “My favorite part about being in the Navy is the ability to interact with different people from different backgrounds and the bonds I have made in the Navy.

Guam is home to the U.S. Navy’s only submarine tenders, USS Emory S. Land and USS Frank Cable, as well as four Los Angeles-class attack submarines. The submarine tenders provide maintenance, hotel services and logistical support to submarines and surface ships in the U.S. 5th and 7th Fleet areas of operation. The submarines and tenders are maintained as part of the U.S. Navy’s forward-deployed submarine force and are readily capable of meeting global operational requirements.

Some advice that Robinski would give to others back home is to always continue moving forward.

“Should you fall or stumble, rise up again and continue moving forward, one day you will find yourself,” added Robinski.