NAACP Applauds NBA Commissioner Adam Silver’s Decision to Ban Donald Sterling from NBA for Life

Adam Silver
Adam Silver

The NAACP is pleased the NBA is taking swift and strong action against Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling for his racist and offensive remarks. Their decision to ban Mr. Sterling indefinitely from the league, seek his removal from ownership and fine him $2.5 million — the maximum amount under NBA rules — is both welcomed and supported.

The alleged statements made by Mr. Sterling were deplorable and cannot be tolerated. Bigotry and hatred have no place in the NBA or any other arena of our society.

We have requested a meeting with NBA Commissioner Silver to discuss the influence and impact of racism in the National Basketball Association. Additionally, we will be developing guidelines for our units to help them in their award selection process and prevent unfortunate decisions like this from occurring in the future.

We remain vigilant in our fight to address racism in all forms and committed to moving our country towards achieving a society that’s socially, economically and politically equal for all.