My Day: World Wide Women

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

For the past several days I have been attending portions of the United Nations Women: Congress on the Status of Women.

It is in a world:  overwhelming.  I have tried to write something everyday just to keep up — but let me see if I can sum it up and continue next week.

New York is one of my favorite cities for a few days and my days so far have been akin to those in Texas.  Raining.  Windy.  Rains. Sunshine and 60 degrees.  Can you believe it!!!  The United Nations building is impressive all by itself. The rain and wind did not deter any of the attendees. Women are here from all over the world.  The sessions, forums and activies are literally all over the city.  My first day, I met a delegation from Australia.  Their plane ride was about 26 hours with a group of twenty.  The African nations are well represented.  Combing through the 118 page agenda, I found my chosen reason for attending.

But first let me give you a cruise through the spiral book of 118 pages.  Let me start here.  First day at the United Nations opening and tour to a beautiful symphony orchestra group.   Day two, you are on your own.  Pick your sessions, find it and go for it.  Along the way, lots of women to meet and chat with.  This is how I started. For example, I wanted to attend the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women.  The case studies in prostitution and sex trafficking.  The panelist will be addressing the economic and sexual violence as barriers to sustainable development.  This session gives you the date, time, location, i.e.,  Salvation Army Auditorium, 221 E. 52nd Street, New York.  Now, I am at the Wyndham New Yorker, 8th and  34th.  So, off to the Taxi Stand and away we go!


Navigating on the way, I scope out the next focus point.  “Who profits on the exploitation of women’s bodies”?  This is insight and discussion on the economic forces behind the global trade in women. . . who profits and who pays.