Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

My Day
By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Wait a minute, let’s take a serious look at Senator Bernie Sanders, I-VT, who is also seeking the Democratic nomination for president. Our family have a lot of twenty-ish folks.  Some who vote and two that could care less. So, another cousin rounded them up via social media and asked questions about the upcoming national election.  A young college cousin of mine made an interesting comment “on the family channel” months ago.  She was voting for Bernie Sanders.

And so are a lot of other American people. I wanted to know more about Bernie Sanders and concluded its not a bad view.  Sanders has this bold view of what America should think about.  The opposing view is that he wants to spend “trillions and trillions” on nonsense American items.  He wants to jail Wall Street executives and double the minimum wage.  His ideas are labeled as politically impractical.  We should wonder what would have happened if FDR and LBJ had listened to those who said we could not afford Social Security and Medicare.  We need to wander what would have happened to our transportation system if Eisenhower had not invested in building the interstate highway system. Oh, my gosh!  Fact be known, some President take on the interests to help the American people move forward and some look the other way.

Bernie Sanders says that, “The American people understand that our current economic system is rigged.  Today the very rich get much richer while most Americans work longer hours for lower wages.”

Just  another minute, please, we need to take a look at a college degree.  Basically, a high school degree, despite the controversy, is now as important as a college degree.  Let’s vote to make public colleges and universities tuition free.  How do we pay for it is always the question.  Bernie Sanders says, “we pay for it with a tax on Wall Street”.  What a BOLD!!! idea.  Another minute,  none of the candidates talk about the corporate offshore tax loopholes and the amount of foreign aid we automatically wire to our entitlement allies.

Common sense should play a major part in this year’s election.  The candidates should be talking about the everyday lives of all citizens.  Driving in Dallas and elsewhere, I cross many bridges and “raggedy” shaking railroad tracks, especially in small towns and communities.  Our infrastructure is in a shameful shape nationwide.  I certainly would like to know how we rebuild, redesign, resume the brilliance of former presidents like FDR, LBJ and soon to be former BHO.

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