My Day: Up From Slavery

Dr. Ester Davis
Dr. Ester Davis

The intellectual saga continues. More and more churches are making it a part of Sunday School.

Do children really need twelve(12) weeks off from school when they are performing below par? On the other side of the coin, what about the youth that are par excellent? Could this be the root cause why American students still lag globally and African American sons and daughters just wade through. The idea of placing Math back in Sunday School /Vacation Bible School is a very good idea.

African Americans children had math in churches ‘up from slavery’. Reading, writing and arithmetic. Our ancestors, built and educated their children in churches by the thousands in this country “up from slavery’. Teachers from the North came down and taught the children in the South, and some of them were white teachers. It was a very simple process. It was a year-round religion order. If you explore our history in depth, it is quite evident that “up from slavery”, the unmistaken priority was educating “our children”, and it was a movement built on religion order.

Summer time gives us an excellent opportunity to affect the brilliant minds of our children. “Up from slavery” our ancestors placed their children in an environment of reverence, respect and example. I am convinced we must return to some of these values. The most joyous element of this mission is the bounty of “retired talent” that is in our midst. We have retired teachers in our neighborhoods, bridge clubs, civic and national organizations and at vacation resorts. Occasionally, I write for AARP Texas. AARP is one of those renown organizations that is bullish on “organizing retired talent” to lobby for legislative changes and medical benefits. And no one ever ask what is AARP?

Finally and back to the issue. All children are our children. Growing up I had four aunts that worked in white homes as maids. They worked day and night, some Sundays and holidays, off on Mondays, maybe. Two of my uncles worked for the railroad, two for the ship channel, was gone all week. There were always “extra children” at our home. Always!!! Some related to us. Some not related to us.

Every day offers us the privilege of reflecting. This final question. Is “up from slavery” our past history. . . or are we participating in the sequel of our history. Let me know. 214.376.9000.

Ester Davis & Spokesmodels will be ‘On-the-Red Carpet with Ann Williams at “Diamonds & Sneakers”