My Day: Trump Did It!

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

What about these politics?  Are you tired of the name Donald Trump yet?  Where are we truly headed with this R-Rated ‘movie-of-the-year’? Are you one of the angry one? How many pollsters have called you for your opinion? Where are the issues closest to the American people? What does this man really want?

So many questions.  No real answers.  You do have to admit this campaign season is like no other.  Donald Trump, the billionaire Republican frontrunner for the presidential nomination has consumed and defied every convention and conviction about politics and how it works . . . or how it is suppose to work in America.  Donald Trump has singlehanded opened eyes to ‘inside republican politics’ and behind closed doors of the ‘rich, famous’ and wanna-be-ss.  And the unapologetic lion is consistent with his roar dispute the disgust, pain of the American voter and mood of the world. So many people are amused at the progress to The White House, the obvious wide open look into the Republican Party, the thin-skinned rich Americans who are ‘street-fighting’, using ghetto language in $1,999  suits on national television.  And, I might add, justifying their actions.  Americans find this unacceptable.

I think mainstream media has lost their minds.  The massive, obsessive coverage of such garbage is outrageous and irresponsible. The criss-crossing across the country, logging thousands of miles reporting every ‘salt and pepper’ uttered word and having the audacity to call it ‘breaking news’ is insane. Out of all of this madness, Ben Carson and later Donald Trump were the only two candidates that directly addressed the media’s appalling tactics. The voting American has taught the media so many lessons that they ignore, i.e., the return of Marion Barry in Washington, D. C., and Bill Clinton’s sexual explanations while in the White House.  Plainly, we, the voting American did not care.  The voting American does not care about Trump’s hair, Cruz’s wife or Megan’s new makeup artist.  I believe we, the people, are much smarter.

Let’s face it. Donald Trump just loves attention. With cameras and enough money to say what he pleases makes him a true stage hound.  Media is only interested in crowds.  Crowds at boycotts, a killing or bombings.  Donald Trump gives media crowds, which is their business. And crowds want a good time, somewhere to be.   At the end of the day, this may  well be the coming year of political change.  But crowds are not voters.


Ok, Donald.  A little question.  Why don’t you help us get more American voters to the polls in all elections? or
