My Day “This is Your Life”

Mother Wofford
Mother Wofford

My Day
By Dr. J. Ester Davis

We live in extraordinary times, and thanks be to our Creator, grace, medical and scientific advances, our lives are getting longer.  Today, we have more living citizens over 100 years old than ever in our history as a nation.

Between 1948 and 1952, there was a popular American documentary series on NBC Radio called “This is Your Life”.  The hit show moved from radio to a television series from 1952 to 1961, hosted by Ralph Edwards.  The show has lived on in the lives of those who continue to pay tribute to the living natural treasures that have done so much for humanity.  I am always delighted and honored to know and write about these exemplary lives.

Mother Wofford (pictured) just celebrated her 102th birthday with a  ‘this-is-your-life’ service that was fit for a Queen Mother.  Mother Wofford is one of the frontiers of longevity, always with a smile, alert, engaging and ever ready for a domino game that keeps her mind sharp.  You see, Mother Wofford,  a member of Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church in South Dallas, 3520 Reed Lane, Elder Bobby Skinner, Senior Pastor,  has spent her life in service to others.  Her life is truly a life message for all generations.  Mother Wofford and a group of about six(6)ladies, started a model mission years ago.  They were profoundly dedicated and passionate about their chosen duty.  They were unified.  They had deep expertise, emotional and caring balance and the motivation to make a difference. Mother Wofford is the last living jewel of the original group, but their example and the seeds planted will remain alive for generations.  In talking to other members of the group about her younger days, I learned that Mother Wofford had victory, vision and wonder, attending the state and national conventions.  She was a strong advocate, who was always happy, blessed, prepared, which placed her ahead of the research that now tells us that our outlook can change how we age.

Please pay attention, Mother Wofford and other centenarians are really laying out a roadmap for those of us under 100 years old.    We must consider trading retirement for new models of working longer.  . . and while there change the conversation from crisis mode to more faith, dominos, long life and new opportunities.

Watch . . .Ester Davis Show with guest

Karina Nascimento, Body Builder, Nutritionist,

Women’s Physique Pro.

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