My Day: President Obama’s Top Ten Quotes

  1. Dr. J. Ester Davis
    Dr. J. Ester Davis

    Yes, we can!

  2. This is not a liberal America and a conservative America.  This is not a black America or a white America.  This is not an Asian or Korean America.  This is the United States of America.
  3. We need to internalize this idea of excellence.  Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent.
  4. You can’t let your failures define you.  You have to let your failures teach you.
  5. Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference.
  6. Issues are never simple.  Very rarely will you hear me simplify the issues.
  7. Change will not come if we wait for some other person.  We are the ones we have been looking for.  We are the change we seek.
  8. If you are walking down the right path and you are willing to keep walking, eventually you will make progress.
  9. I know because I won both of them.
  10. Why don’t you sit down?

The history books will pen the 44th President of the United States as an intellectual and memorable image for its people.  The history books will amplify the fact that his wife was the most educated “First Lady” in history.   Of the entire eight (8) years that this President served, I remember most vividly the situation he inherited after taking the oath of office.  It was a mess! Truthfully, not many personalities could have cleaned up this fiasco with such grace, dignity and assurance.  The unemployment was the second monumental challenge after . . . the last administration allowed  the jobs to continue overseas along with a war . . .  so much to recall. . .

But moving on, President Obama healed the country and moved the employment rate to the lowest in history.   The rest of the world will continue to emulate his style, character, leadership and sincerely miss his true representation of the position he held.  All Americans were proud of Barack Obama.

Legacies carry a lot of weight.  Legacy is built year after year upon that person, and there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it.  Legacy has eternal status.  The ideals that President Obama built into this nation and the world cannot be erased, eradicated or demeaned.   Case in point, people around the world are still singing “we shall overcome” as taught by Dr. King.

One final quote “the best judge of whether or not a country is going to develop . . . is how it threats its women”.

Happy New Year!!

Ester Davis can be reached at

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