My Day: Passionpreneurship


StefaniStefani McDade Morrow sat across from me with all the bold, beautiful and confident of a royal family member.  That’s because she is one.   Accessing  the “McDade Clan”  in Texas, she rounded it up as “we are our own race”.  This original faith family clan of thirteen(13)brothers and sisters hail from Ennis, Texas, and she was raised  with some two hundred(200) cousins.  Lots of memories.  She openly gives credit to the mentors and role models in the family, because they set the tone, which is the source of her book; “21 Lessons in Passionpreneurship”, and her drive to move from success to significance.

“Gathering of the Giraffes” ( was the most fascinating subject to me.  You see, Stefani , is a self-proclaimed “Passion—preneur”. ( A new word for Webster).   She wants to share her areas of passion, help you pursue your dreams so that you can reap a more fulfilled existence.  Stefani  is fully equipped for this role.  Along with faith and family, there was opportunity.  Stefani took full advantage of the opportunities in front of her.  She finished high school, finished college twice.  Spent almost two decades in the school system, as an assistant principal and principal.  In 2014, she founded “Gathering of the Giraffes”, just love that name.  This is a network  “created to support women in business and aspiring entrepreneurs”, she explains.

The full title of the book catches your eye, because we all had a “Principal” in school.

 “From the Principal’s Desk: 21 Lessons in Passionpreneurship” by  Stefani McDade Morrow, (  is a riveting  look at self.  At the end of each of the 21 lessons, there are guiding questions and a self reflection note page for your eyes only.   The book is marvelously prepared and is an easy read.

Books inspire me because I am a reader, so I will share  one aspect of the book that propelled me to this review.  Stefani says on page 45, second question:  “On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest), rate your willingness to embrace change.  What practical, deliberate steps can you take to raise your rating”?   Huh!

Stefani can be reached also at 972.816.7923.  Remember, readers are leaders, still.

Ester Davis REAL BREAKING News:  A group of global banks will pay $5 Billion in penalties for rigging the world’s currency market between 2007 and 2013.  JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland.  Read more online@Washington (AP)May 20, 2015.