My Day: Ocean Promotions

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

Where are the STEM jobs and who is hiring?  Equally as important who and where are the colleges and institutions of higher education that are doing the training?  In the neighborhoods and communities, what local schools (ISD’s, Charters, Private) are zeroing in on the new science, aka STEM jobs for the future.  (Sidebar:  Be amazed.  Google the new 797?)

I recently read a most enlightening magazine.  I was simply sermonized!!!  An entire magazine on STEM jobs at STEM  It was in the lobby at Lamar High School, Arlington.  It starts with the Air Force Reserve.  Some specific part time jobs in the Air Force Reserve allow one to sign up for a bonus of up to $20,000.  The sky is no longer the limit for STEM jobs and training.  The Oceans of the World are actually the new frontier.

Just a few notes on this new frontier for our new world.  A marine physicist means you interact with the oceans.  You will also design and build many specialized research tools, including “remotely operated vehicles, sophisticated seafloor instruments and innovative remote-sensing systems.”  A marine physicist salary is $72,000.  The universities now training are Carnegie Mellon University, Penn State and Tuskegee, Rochester Institute of Technology.  The corporations hiring are also listed. Interns now are being scooped up in high school.  Huh!!!!

One of the hottest top ten (10) jobs is a marine architect, who is essentially a designer.  Median salary $90,000.  Why build the beach when you can build beyond the beach? And be ye not naïve nor cavalier . . . this will and is happening in our lifetime.  The people now hiring is the Department of Homeland Security, Biggs & Cox, SEA. LTD and Carnival Cruise Lines.  You can attend the training at the University of Michigan, Stevens Institute of Technology and several others.

Fueling the next generation of innovators are the energy companies.  At the moment, British Petroleum (BP) is leading the pack. Their investment in STEM education over the past three years is $60 million. The sheer fact is that the thirty(30)fastest growing occupations in the next decade will require at least some background in STEM.  Scholarships, boot camps, mentoring and education initiatives are all available everywhere. If not, make it happen.

So, what is the bottom line?  If you and your family are NOT involved in some area of the ‘new frontier’, turn around and get in this line.  The new world will only be kind. . . to the informed mind.  PLEASE remember that.

For now. . . just start/join the conversation.


Coming Up: “The Hihacking of South Dallas”.

(the largest public works projects in the nation)

 How many jobs are there for South Dallas?

What does DBE and MBE really mean?

Ester Davis can be reached at 214.376.9000