My Day: “Obama… Out!”

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

Not sure about you, but I miss President Obama already. He was presidential from the beginning to the near end of his successful reign.  I can remember when he started campaigning, he handled each state with knowledge, calm confidence, strappling good looks with a matching physique.  Never an insult during the ‘making of a successful president’.   While campaigning throughout the nation for delegates President Obama would run on the stage with a wide grin, chant his “yes we can” motto, with assurance that we were to overcome as a nation, this incredible situation inherited.   His momentum and population built like a 200 acre dry field on fire without a fireman within a hundred miles.  Yep!  I miss Mrs. Obama’s husband already.  But I know he is probably packing.

Now, at this writing, Ted Cruz is out.  What a mess!  Or, what a blessing?  Without calling any names I maintain the same hope as when Mr. Bush left office.  It is easy to inherit and follow a successful presidency.  The next American President will inherit an unemployment rate that has been near 5.8%.  Not a bad date.  When President Obama took office in 2009, the unemployment was close to 8% headed for 10%.  The media blamed the new President who assured the nation that it would ‘get better’.  The GDP% when President Obama took office was 9.8%. Two years ago it was 2.8% under the Obama Administration. The U.S gross national product growth is the best of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries.  (OECD).

Corporate profits are up at record highs with our country adding upward of 200,000 jobs per month.

Gasoline prices hit record lows and are only just now showing signs of a modest increase.  There is no inflation and interest rates are still the lowest in 30 years. There are so many jobs we are sending to Mexico for some of them to be filled, case in point,  ‘welders’ for the new bridges.   During the Obama Administration, the dollar maintain its strongest levels in years and the stock market made the wealthy even more astonishingly posh.

Oh, yes, yes, I miss Obama, his intellect, charisma and style.  America has respect again internationally.  Soldiers are home with their children, travel is way up and Osama Bin Laden was captured ending a decade of war and terror.  However, as an eternal optimist, I have a feeling we may miss President Obama only for a short while. . . he will be around, history will see to that.  I find it hard to believe that Americans will vote for the party that got us into the mess that Obama just dug us out of.   Think about it.


Ester Davis hosting a special show with Constable

Precinct One Runoff Candidates.  Check

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