Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

The former media director for the Republican National Committee, Elizabeth Lauten, deliberately or accidently ushered  a new level low of disrespect against America’s First Family last week.  Using Facebook  on Thanksgiving Day, she shamelessly and thoughtlessly wrote a note to Sasha and Malia,  the President’s teenage  daughters, now 13 and 16 years old.  Who, by the way, are both minors in this country and reside in the White House with their parents.   Elizabeth Lauten, now titled as a communications specialist, surely  knows better.  As one communications specialist to another. . . leave them alone.  You bring disgrace to the profession.  Every communications officer in the world knows  you do not shoot arrows at children.

You cannot imagine my utter dismay at this recent slap-in-the-face against the nation’s first African American President directed toward his children.  This unfortunate incident started at the White House.  Every year the President pardons  a turkey.  It is a White House tradition, one of our least enchanted traditions,  I might add.  The daughters attended this traditional ceremony.  Actually, we were happy to see them in their “home”.  They attended looking like typical teenagers, which the American people love, because we have teenagers in America.

Elizabeth posted:  “ Dear Sasha and Malia, I get you are both in those awful teen years, but you are part of the first family, try showing a little class.  At least respect the part you play”.  How dare you?   There is more to the Facebook post,  but the point is our children are not part of the viciousness adults display while calling themselves Republicans and Democrats.  Our children, black, white, green or purple are off limits period.  If anything, we should be setting a high standard for our children to emulate, especially since we are  the proposed adult.

Teenage years are not ‘awful’.  At least they are entitled to this era and allowed to grow up during these formidable years.  What is the excuse for the ‘awful’ adults in leadership positions who continue to show “no class”  in their daily decorum by sending Facebook messages to children,  disrespecting  themselves, their country and their constituency every time they open their mouths?   Elizabeth Lauten and her kind just need  to grow up.

Elizabeth Lauten did offer a weak and wasteful  apology.  But whatever tactics and malice aforethought  aimed at the Obama Presidency, I am convinced that no party of people can derail his legacy.  It is a paramount victorious part of American history.  To the Republicans and Democrats, Just grow up and leave the kids alone.

Coming Up!!  Our glory story from Dr. Jerry Chambers and the Freedom Riders 2014 Tour.

Thanks to Mrs. Maxine Cash for sharing the spotlight at The Senior Source Luncheon honoring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson.  Grand Master Edwin Cash (1934 – 2014) is a former board member of this prestigious resource in our community.