MY DAY: Greatest Among Us

Ester Davis and Officers Wickens and Ehinger
Ester Davis and Officers Wickens and Ehinger

Walking in a side door at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Mrs. Tina Wilson called my full name out loud.

She had on an apron, a sassy cap, a contagious smile and was busy arranging food for the noon day luncheon.  She continued to talk and move around the round buffet table overseeing her presentation style.  Finally, with everything in its proper place, she said, ‘let’s sit over here’.

After we sat down at one of the tables closest to the stage area, she continued to talk about my dance shows, AARP Texas and a city hall matter she helped when I was Chair of Senior Affairs.    She would hesitate only when speaking to anyone and everyone coming through the door, a few feet away.  As she was taking a breath between sentences, I saw my opportunity to ask a question.

Mrs. Tina Wilson was born in 1916 in Marshall, Texas.  She recently had her 99th birthday celebrated with a series of parties.    What is so utterly profound about this lady is that her impact on the world around her is immense.  It is vast in knowledge, energy, alertness, joy, love and duty.  I told her “that I could not wait to talk to her”.   Her weekly schedule is demanding and surprisingly amazing.  On Tuesdays, she goes to her computer class.  She works in the food pantry, goes out to eat and takes one baby aspirin a day.  She volunteers at Holy Cross and at her church, Bethel African Methodist Episcopal.   While explaining to her that Dallas’ Finest, The Dallas Police Department made a special trip over to The Dallas Post Tribune offices  to tell us about her, she said with a devious  smile “what did they say about me”?.

Officers Wickens and Ehlinger from Neighborhood Police Unit, South Central Division, did indeed do just that.   Our Neighborhood Police  is one of the most meaningful and powerful entities we have in Dallas.  As you know their objective is to reach out to the community and serve as a bridge between the community and the police.  And in Dallas, not only do they do an exemplary job, but  we are mindful and proud of all their efforts.

Clearly, our retired talent and our police in Dallas are the greatest among us.  We plan to follow Mrs. Wilson throughout this year as she cruises into her 100th year.  More to come.


Ester Davis is one of the Honorary Chairs at City of Dallas Mayfair, May 22, 2015, Hyatt Hotel.

 Join in the fun!!  Prizes, dancing, food. May is Older American Month in America.