My Day: Global Lipstick

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

What is in the mind when we meet, kiss, embrace with a smile?  When is that dynamic turned on and off in the brain? Why do all leaders, chieftains, gossips, politicians and wanna be’s greet with a touching smile even with strangers and without interpreters only to reach the podium discarding any affection or warmth?

Let’s say this article is about kissing and making up.  That will get your attention. 

Last week while in New York attending the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations

(CSW60 Forum), the largest number of applications for events was received.  Out of the 550 applications from around the world, 450 scheduled events were adopted around a central theme:  “Eliminating and Preventing Violence Against Women”.  I am 100% sure that women can get done.  Not sure I mentioned this in my previous articles, but over 6,000 women attended from 157 countries, i.e., first ladies, cooks, professors, politicians, housewives, presidents of everything and their daughters.  And New York rolled out the red carpet for the assembly, many who did not speak English.

Most evident was the civil society participants advocating effectively with other countries to implement change everywhere. Dr. King told us that very thing decades ago, i.e., “a threat to injustice anywhere. . .” Most elegantly portrayed by women from other societies, not as privileged as say American women, was the message to strategize together on how to give meaningful input into an agreed conclusion.  Meaning out loud. . . if this situation is not yet in your community as an irritant, it is imminently definitely on the radar in small percentages.  So true. . . especially in America. The case studies in prostitution and sex trafficking “touched down” on Americans and their laws quite heavily, specifically the economic forces behind the global trade in women. . . who profits and who pays as mentioned in last week article.

I warn my audiences often, that all important matters are not in the news.  So much in our society is remanded to an incubator, off limits to the public.  For instances, sex trafficking in million dollar homes, rapes and kidnapping on college campuses, baby snatching from hospitals, African American parents on drugs selling, putting daughters on “layaway”, to the drug business.  (I refuse to call them drug lords).    

Daily and at the CSW60, I see that kissing is a custom dear to the hearts of all cultures.  There is a kiss ritual in every language, culture and tradition.  There is the French kiss, hand kiss, soul kiss, vacuum kiss, spiritual kiss, which is a kiss with your eyes. Huh! Kissing booths, the mistletoe kiss, cheek-to-cheek kiss created by Baptist women who wear big hats.  In Spain kissing is strictly right cheek first.  Austria and Scandinavia are each content with the two kiss ritual. In our society now, we have open display of gay kissing, fathers hugging and kissing their children.

The success of eliminating and preventing violence against women is dependent upon women-helping-women, men ceasing the hurrahs and awareness placed squarely on the shoulders of everyone who has breath.    I just believe that more a bit more caring, kissing, warmth would cool down global warning.

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