My Day: Dumping of Trump

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Have you ever been on a bad date?  To the point where you could not wait . . .to get the evening over with and  rid of this loser?  And the evening was especially boring if the person talked about him or her self all evening.

I personally am enjoying the ride with Mr. Donald Trump, Billionaire.  Not a dull moment.   It has been most entertaining and hilarious.  His campaign period has been a win all the way for the Democrats.  And despite all the bad blood between the President and the Republicans Senate over the past eight years,  Obama is looking mighty good right now.  (Look for that online video “How Do You Like Me Now” featuring Barack Obama)

But I cannot  imagine in his wildest dreams, Mr. Trump expecting  his business partners to give him the ‘boot’, because of  all the things he has been saying.  You must realize that these things  have all been said before. . . only in private.  Remember the ultimate disgrace of Rumley. (Was that his name?) I have been casually following the “vote Trump-get dumped” campaign started by a couple online.  Just think, running for President could be bad for business.

Several media and business brands have given Trump pink slips.  I have time to mention a few to you.

NASCAR gingerly pic-pocketed off  future visits to properties owned by Trump.  They went further saying they would not have its end-of-season party at the Trump Doral Miami again.  The PGA delicately relocated a golf tournament from a Trump course in California.  And do not forget the boot from NBC “The Celebrity Apprentice”,  which also trickled down to Univision and other Trump beauty pageants

broadcasts.  Macy’s just blatantly unceremoniously dumped the Trump cologne and clothing line.  Serta  unloaded the Trump line of mattresses.  That’s mattresses.  Not mistresses.  Carlos Slim, the world’s second richest  man cashed in a deal on Slim’s ORA TV, calling the American billionaire  ‘closed minded’.  And Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York, reportedly is looking for anything wrong with the Trump $260 million dollar luxury golf course contract so he can make it disappear. I was amused that the hair care brand, Farouk Systems, were ‘done with Donald’, because they have a diverse clientele.

Insulting women will be Trump’s real downfall.  He has built his campaign on xenophobia, intimidations, racism and sexism, while getting rich declaring bankruptcy several times and remarrying  to make it look sexy and prosperous.  Let’s face this one fact. . . there is nothing sexy about stupidity. America is just having a bad date.