My Day: Drug Sales, Cost & the Vote World’s Best Selling Legal Drugs

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

Where are they testing these drugs?  Do they only give them to the people they were tested on?

I think it is fair to tell you that after very little research on this subject, this article was initially entitled “The Altered Human”.  I would like to know what you think after reading this article.

Every pill sold to the consumer is tracked, studied and compiled.  Global spending on prescription drugs is now over $600 billion.  As a reminder, there are reportedly seven(7)billion people in the world today.  The United States still accounts for the lion’s share with annual sales of about $252 billion.  China, South Korea, Mexico and Russia are catching up. Pfizer is the world’s largest drug manufacturer and has been for many years.  Their cholesterol pill Lipitor is the best selling drug in the world for the fifth year in a row.

Pfizer’s Viagra, the diamond shaped blue pill for male impotence, smashed all records its first three(3)months on the market in 1998.  Rapidly rising to the one billion target in sales within months.

It was and still is such a powerful seller, that Pfizer introduced a Viagra for women.

Other top legal selling drugs are Plavix, the blood thinner; Nexium, the heartburn pill and Advair, the asthma inhaler. But hold on America, the race is on to develop the next blockbusting drug that bypass the dollars of the miracle drug Viagra.  There are approximately 2,300 experimental drugs being tested in humans, 40 anti-virals and 30 potential medicines for arthritis pain.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 cancer drugs, and 50 something heart treatments are being tested.  Acomplia, a stop smoking drug has been delayed by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration and some cardiologists have mixed emotions about the anti-obesity pill being developed by Sanofi Aventis.  We will keep an eye on this.

I simply wonder about the people spending money on legal drugs.  Were you a part of the beta testing? The clinical trials or the sampling?  In taking one of the world’s best selling drugs, what did the doctor say about your genetics?  Final question, is it working for you?  It certainly is working for the drug business.

Finally, since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed, you have seen your medication go down and back up.   Do remember that our former Governor Rick Perry, turned down the money for Texas, meaning in essence that the money for Texas went to another state. That is an estimated $18 million going to someone else.   So, I guess we are back to one of my favorite subject,  the vote.


Ester Davis can be reached @