My Day Dear Comer: The Letter Series

Dr. Ester Davis
Dr. Ester Davis

We are back. How are you Mr. Comer Cottrell this time. Well, this time we have a line up of marvelous stories about your career and contributions to Dallas and the world. And over the next few weeks I will share the list with you.

I thought I would write about you and your fan base around the country. I thought also it would be easier to write this time versus boring you with a phone call. Comer, you are such an awesome respected business–hero all over this marvelous country. We are all so very proud you live here in Dallas which is why I decided to make this note public.

I am in Washington, D. C. often on business and I always make it a point to have breakfast before I leave with the famous “Hamhock Committee” chaired by Marion “Duke” Greene. This is a high spirited group of retired federal employees in the region and beyond, professional athletics and entrepreneurs. They have a round table concept, introductions, tidbits of news from growing pockets around the country, job discussions, upcoming appointments, a guest speaker and homemade biscuits. There are always guests in town who also attend this weekly breakfast. “Duke” ask about you every time. His company was The American Development Corporation. Lonnie Sanders, formerly with the Washington Redskins remembers you with your graciousness, quite manner and the sharing of your wealth with your people. He and his family still run an import export business. Ron Dellums, the former Congressman from California, just shows up every where. At the Mid-Winter Mayors Conference , I took a picture with him, and he asked about the black hair care company in Dallas. The “Pro Line guy” from Dallas. There is a gentlemen, Carl Jones, I think, who just sold his concrete trucking business. He sends his regards and remarks that he sold his company after many years.

As you know, you have lots of veterans who know you, and ask about you regularly. General Daniels (General Tommy L. Daniels, Sr.,) who came in from the Pentagon to make remarks at your Honorary Tribute is now retired and resides in Fort Worth. He serves on several high profile committees in Washington, D.C., compliments of the Secretary of Defense and is very vocal on Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) in minorities. Locally, he has found his niche. . . raising money for the Obama Male Leadership Academy in Dallas from the pilots around the world he trained.

I had forgotten you wrote a book. While on a forum in March in another city (National Women History Month) a successful entrepreneur referenced your book, quoting especially a certain chapter that every business owner should read.

I know you have affected people all over the world. But I personally want you to know that your many contributions to this fine city still lives and is exceedingly appreciated.

Ester Davis can be reached at (214) 376-9000