MY DAY: Dear Comer III

Dr. Ester Davis
Dr. Ester Davis

Dear Comer: The Letter Series

Letters to Comer Cottrell, former CEO/President Proline Corporation, Inc.,

Dear Comer, good morning. I sat down with Dr. Kendell Beck a couple weeks ago. He and his wife, Dr. Mary Beck, came to The Dallas Post Tribune newspaper offices. Actually, Dr. Lee, the publisher, was out and about, so we just decided to talk about you in his magnificent big office. I scheduled an eleven o’clock appointment and everyone was on time. The Becks even in ‘so-called’ retirement, is still a very busy duo.

With so many victories, achievements and historic alliances to your full credit, I
have always been intrigued with your involvement, constant contact with education and your bounty of generosity. As a business man with a successful international business, your hands on approach, being everywhere that mattered, especially to African Americans, is still treasured by your beloved city and friends across the nation. My conversation with Dr. Beck centered around the acquiring-to-subsequent movement of Paul Quinn College from Waco to Dallas back in the 1980’s, spilling over into the early ’90’s.

Dr. Beck, in support of the move and its positioning, was intimately involved with the Bishop(10th District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church), Trustees, College President and community. He commented that the Bishop and Lay Leaders respected your wisdom and business expertise. In the middle of this dialogue, he affectionately digressed recalling ‘stacks of letters on Comer’s desk
from students needing money to go the college’.

In an attempt to connect all the dots and lay the groundwork why these two personalities were naturally powerful together, Dr. Kendell Beck, spent 38 years with DISD and 41 years with the United Negro College Fund(UNCF), raising scholarship monies for students to attend historic black colleges in this country. Every year for 25 years he attended Lou Rawls “Parade of Stars” nationally televised telethon which was taped live in Hollywood, California. This venue raised millions each year for historically black colleges. Dr. Beck was the National President of Paul Quinn Alumni Waco, Texas, and a member of the National Alumni Board. The two met in Dallas, Texas.

Coming up. . . conversations with Robert Petri, John Reeves. Follow us on my website:, with open comments “Dear Comer”.

Ester Davis can be reached at 214.376.9000.