My Day: Coffee With A Cop Series

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

One of my favorite places to visit in Jamaica is Ocho Rios, home of Dunn’s River Falls – a beautiful spectacle that never ceases to amaze.  Water cascades down a long series of rocks as it makes it way to the Caribbean Sea.  You can climb the falls, scrambling over rounded rocks on an invigorating  trek to the top.  The moving water, the potentially slippery surface, not to mention steep angles make the going slow and extremely treacherous.  Parents stand at the bottom  of the falls cautioning their loved ones to be careful, concentrate and “listen to me” in a shouting tone.

Clearly, with all of life’s possible dangers coming our way as we climb through life, it is most important that we take each step and watch where we are going, which is our practice to our children as they grow up.  If you train up a child in a certain way, he does not detour far from it.  The key word here is train.

Fortunately for us, there are some retired “cops” in our community that want to place more emphasis upon that certain word “training”.  Simple question.  What are you training your child to do when stopped by the police.  We should train our children (and they are all ours), to obey authority first at home  and obey police officers.  Officers have an important role to place in our society.  I, personally, do not want to live anyplace without them  When I travel, I want to see them.  When I call, I want a response.  When I am injured, I want to see red, flashing lights, with cops, coming to my rescue.

So, the notion that “cops” are the enemy is nonsense. The conversation needs to change.  The conversation should start with what do you do when you are stopped by a police officer.  Young, old, black, white or purple, in the country or in your boat.  There is a proper protocol and practice that should be strictly adhered to.

Call me and attend the conversation. You are invited.  Coffee with cops at Dallas Post Tribune newspaper offices.  Need to count on you.  Please give me a call for the details.


Ester Davis
