My Day: An International Seminary

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

Dallas is bountifully blessed with everything. Grace International Seminary is a jewel among us  and they recently held their Summer Commencement as mentioned in my earlier column, “Ask Dr. Hollie”.  Grace International Seminary is global indeed.  Some of the graduates traveled to receive their Doctorate of Divinity Degrees from Grace International Seminary and Trinity International Seminary.

Let me share a few notes with you from Judge Yoo’s master script.

Master of Ceremony Judge Yoo, proudly presides over  Dallas County Criminal Court #8.  She is a beloved personality and an accessible public servant all over the community she serves and beyond.  I am going to borrow a copy of the script so I can righteously do justice to these honorees with divinity degrees. But until then, I will interpret my “shakey” shorthand and give you a brief rundown.

Sitting in the packed auditorium of mixed clergy, friends, family, alumni, overwhelming globalness, I reflected on the world that is “sensationally” framed to us on network media and the world of nurtured reality I was in the midst of at this commencement. A distinct highlight of the afternoon was a musical selection by the Nirankari Babaji Mission Youth Choir.  Listening to the MC read the resume of Bishop Dr. Justice Ekejibi, Boston, Massachusetts, (his first name is Justice), I had to meet him afterwards.  He is a renown speaker in West Africa, Europe and throughout the United States.  Even with his universally laced credentials he was graciously humbling to speak with.  Mike Ghouse, Washington, D. C., another honoree, is a friend.  Mike is a daily blogger, with a strong media presence, Huffington Press among them, and an activist in interfaith cohesive building.  Some years ago, early in my journalistic career, his organization (America Together Foundation) presented me with their “Rosa Parks Award”.  I was mesmerized with the vitae synopsis of Dr. Nicole Farmer, Detroit, Michigan. I will have to write about her.  Known to us as “Yarbrough and Peoples”, hit recording artist “Don’t Stop the Music”, aka, Alisa People Yarbrough and Cavin Yarbrough, received their doctorate degrees.  Of course, they took the stage, Alisa on the piano and her husband/partner stood handsomely with the microphone engaging the audience, as has been their life work.

I am out of time.  Not out of words.  To be continued. . .

Thank you Bishop and Dr. Thibodeaux for sharing your world with so many around the world.

Thanks for the mail.